Sexual Violence Prevention Education

Meet the NCAA Education Requirement with Game Plan eLearning.

Comprehensive Education For Athletes and Staff

eLearning designed by subject matter experts to deliver the most impactful and relevant information

"It feels like there are so many different boxes that we need to check off to say that we are educating our student-athletes, whether it’s sexual assault, bystander intervention, NIL, mental health, etc. Game Plan allows us to touch on all of these with meaningful yet brief modules."

Senior Associate AD for Student-Athlete Development/SWA Northwood University

Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Education

Education on Sexual Violence Prevention is one of the most utilized and important topics in college athletics. As a subject required by the NCAA, athletic departments all over the country utilize Game Plan to reach their athletes. Having required education accessible anytime, anywhere makes it easier for athletes to take and digest the content when it works for them.

SVP Education By Course

There are a variety of courses on Sexual Violence Prevention on Game Plan. SVP education topics include:

Bystander Intervention
Sexual Harassment
Healthy Relationships
& More

Learn More About SVP Education

SVP: NCAA Required Education

Sexual Violence Prevention education is a vital part of athletics everywhere and is one of the required education topics in the NCAA D1 Transformation Committee coming this year.

Are you prepared to meet the required programming, education, and attestation this year?

“Game Plan allows our department to holistically meet our identified educational goals that benefit our Student-Athletes' growth and development. We are excited to continue to learn about Game Plan's ongoing educational module development and use it to supplement our in-person programming. Overall, Game Plan allows us to provide a vast array of resources for our Student-Athletes.”

Associate Athletics Director for Compliance and Administration/SWA at Lehigh University